How to Lower the pH in a Pool

swimming pool water chlorine and Ph test

Imagine shimmering waters that invite you for a refreshing splash, free from the grip of itchy eyes, cloudiness, and unwelcome algae. Welcome to the world of crystal-clear pool waters with our guide on how to lower the pH in a pool.

When the pH levels of your pool water decide to throw a high-pH party, it’s not just your skin that protests; your pool parts might join the chorus too. Fear not; achieving that perfect pool balance is simpler than you think. We’ll show you the ropes of pH regulation and a step-by-step guide on how to use sodium bisulfate and muriatic acid to lower the pH in your pool.

What is Pool pH? 

A pH tester held in front of a pool
Photo Credit: franky242 / Canva Pro / License

Let’s understand the mystery of pH. Picture your pool water as a delicate dance between basic and acidic, and pH as the conductor of this aquatic orchestra. Imagine the pH scale as a seesaw, ranging from 0 to 14. 

Now, if the seesaw tilts towards numbers greater than 7.0, which is neutral, you’re in alkaline territory. But if the scale tips to numbers less than 7.0, welcome to the acidic side, where things get a bit zesty, like a splash of lemon in your pool party. 

So, whether your pool water likes to waltz with the basics or tango with the acids, understanding pH is the key to maintaining a harmonious aquatic haven.

Ideal Pool pH Level: 7.4 to 7.6

Alkalinity and pH in Pool Water

Now, let’s imagine your pool as a chemistry class and alkalinity and pH as best buddies sharing a lab bench. Alkalinity is like the buffer, the peacekeeper that prevents wild swings in pH. It’s the pool’s way of saying, “Hey, pH, let’s keep things steady.” When alkalinity is at the right level, pH is more likely to stay in its comfort zone, whether that’s a bit on the basic side or a tad acidic.

They work hand in hand to maintain that perfect pool balance. So, think of alkalinity as the wise friend that helps pH keep cool, ensuring your pool water stays inviting and comfortable for a relaxing swim.

Ideal Total Alkalinity Levels: 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm)

How To Test pH Levels In A Pool

Someone holds a test strip up to a chart to check the pool's chemical balance
Photo Credit: pixinoo / Canva Pro / License

Testing your pool’s pH levels is like checking the mood of your pool’s chemistry. To become a pool pH detective, start by grabbing a pH testing kit from your pool store; it’s your trusty sidekick in this adventure. 

Dip a testing strip or use a liquid test solution and follow the kit’s instructions to collect a sample of your pool water. Then, watch the magic happen as the color changes. 

Match it to the pH chart included in the kit to unveil your pool’s pH secret. Is it a pH party or time for a chemistry intervention? You’ll know in a splash!

How to Lower pH with Sodium Bisulfate

Get ready to unleash your inner pool chemist and find the perfect chemical balance for your swimming pool! When your pool’s pH goes on a wild ride, one of two mighty solutions comes to the rescue: Sodium Bisulfate. It’s like having a secret agent for your pool chemistry balance. Follow the following steps to use this powerful ally.

1) Test Your Pool Water 

Begin by checking the pH and alkalinity levels through testing. This initial step will give you the essential information on how much adjustment is needed to bring them down. You can buy test strips at pool stores.

2) Measure the pH Decreaser

Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to use the appropriate amount of pH reducer, also known as ph minus or ph down, to utilize. Excess quantities can result in either high or low pH levels.

3) Spread the Love 

Gently introduce the dry acid into the water close to the return jets and in the pool’s deepest section. Ensure that the pool filter and pump remain operational. Avoid introducing the chemical into the skimmer.

4) Chill 

Let your pool’s magic filter spread the chemical goodness all around the water until it disappears like a secret potion. And hey, if you spot any stubborn little clumps that didn’t get the memo, give them a gentle brush-off from your pool’s surfaces. Trust me, it’s like giving your pool a little spa day – because leaving those clumps hanging around could end up giving your pool walls and floor a not-so-fun makeover.

5) Retest

Before 24 hours, test the pH. If it’s not quite there yet, repeat the potion dance. Allow a minimum of six hours before conducting another round of testing.

How to Lower pH with Muriatic Acid

Now, let’s see how using muriatic acid can help you lower the pH in your pool and keep the water chemistry balanced for a refreshing swim. Let’s break down the steps to safely and effectively use muriatic acid: your ticket to a pH-perfect pool paradise.

1) Test Your Pool Water 

Initiate the process by examining the pH and alkalinity levels with a testing kit. Muriatic acid helps lower high alkalinity and pH levels. The test gives you the necessary data to adjust to lower these levels.

2) Suit Up 

As with other pool chemicals, muriatic acid demands heightened caution. If you choose this approach for pH reduction, ensure stringent safety measures. Shield your entire body with clothing, and don thick gloves, protective eyewear, and a mask to prevent inhalation of fumes.

3) Measure Out 

Alright, let’s get the pH party started! The secret sauce to balancing your pool’s pH is in the amount of acid you pour in.

Picture this: your pool’s size, current pH, Total Alkalinity level, and even the type of acid you’re using are like ingredients in a magical potion. If your pool’s saying “hello” to 7.8 or above, you’ll want to grab a quart of muriatic acid for every 15,000 gallons of water. 

Got a smaller pool? No problemo! Start by adding just one cup of muriatic acid at a time, and let it groove for an hour. If the party’s still not popping, add a bit more until you hit the pH sweet spot.

And just to make life even easier, here’s a table to give you the exact potion measurements. It’s like having a pool chemistry wizard at your fingertips!

pH1,000 gal5,000 gal10,000 gal15,000 gal20,000 gal
7.6 – 7.81.25 oz.6 oz.12 oz.18 oz.24 oz.
7.8 – 8.01.5 oz.8 oz.16 oz.24 oz.1 qt.
8.0 – 8.42.5 oz.12 oz.24 oz.1.25 qts.1.5 qts.
Over 8.4 3 oz.16 oz.1 qt.1.5 qts.2 qts.

4) Pour Like a Pro 

You can pour the muriatic acid in two ways. 

  • You can switch off your pool’s pump. Then, gently pour the muriatic acid steadily into the pool’s deep end. This way, the acid heads straight down to the bottom, avoiding any wandering on the pool surface. Once that’s done, flip the pump switch back on, letting it work and circulate the acid throughout the water.
  • The other way is to pour the acid into your pool close to the return jets. Then, let the pump do its job of circulating the acid. If you’re dealing with an above-ground pool, add the acid bit by bit while walking around the pool. This keeps things nicely balanced instead of concentrating in one spot.

5) Patience is a Virtue 

Give it a bit of time, about an hour or two. Then test the pH water again. Tweak if needed, and voilà; you’re the master of pool equilibrium!

Tips For Maintaining Pool pH

Someone holding up a pH testing kit in front of a pool
Photo Credit: Luis Echeverri Urrea / Canva Pro / License

To keep your pool’s pH in check and ensure a comfortable swimming experience, follow these essential steps:

  • Clean and Sanitize: Maintain a clean and well-sanitized pool environment to ward off chemical imbalances that could affect pH.
  • Strategic Shocking: Limit shock treatments to necessary instances, as excessive chlorine can lead to pH elevation.

Source Water pH: Don’t forget to measure the pH of your water source. Water from different areas might carry varying mineral content that could influence your pool’s pH.

What Causes High pH In Pools?

Believe it or not, every swimmer can tip the water chemistry and the pH scales. But that’s not all; nature’s elements join the poolside party too. Raindrops, dirt, and mischievous debris play their part, sometimes leaving the pH in disarray. And oh, the saltwater systems! They may gift you the waves, but they also bring a slightly higher pH to the party.

With all these players in the pH performance, it’s like a chemistry carnival. So, why’s it crucial to test your swimming pool’s pH regularly? Because with a fluctuating pH, your pool’s harmony needs your expert touch.

Effects of High pH On Pools

Say hello to the not-so-friendly consequences of high pH levels in your pool water! 

When your pool’s pH is too high, trouble can start brewing. Get ready for:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Skin irritation
  • Cloudy waters 
  • Algae
  • Pool equipment damage from calcium scale build-up
  • Corrosion
  • Swimsuits erosion
  • Chlorine that won’t sanitize the pool as effectively when pH is out of range.

FAQ About How to Lower pH in a Pool

How do I maintain the pH in my pool naturally?

Naturally decreasing your pool’s pH offers four avenues: employing a distilled water system to infuse water, adhering to a consistent cleaning routine, allowing time for minerals to accumulate and pH to self-adjust, or opting for a pool heater installation.

Is it possible to swim in a pool with high pH?

Swimming in water with a pH exceeding 8 could lead to skin rashes, degradation of swim gear, and discomforting irritation in the eyes.

Will pool shock lower pH?

Yes, administering shock treatment to the pool will result in pH reduction, regardless of whether you opt for chlorine-based shock (calcium hypochlorite) or the chlorine-free variant (potassium peroxymonosulfate).

Does vinegar lower pool pH?

Vinegar can indeed be utilized to decrease pool pH. However, it’s not the most efficient solution for this task. In fact, you’d need to introduce a substantial amount of vinegar to the extent that it could elevate the pool’s sugar content, potentially serving as a feast for microbes.

Will baking soda lower pH in a pool?

No. Baking soda, also known as soda ash or sodium bicarbonate, is inherently alkaline, boasting a pH of 8. When you introduce baking soda into your pool water, you’ll witness an elevation in pH and alkalinity levels.

How can I increase the pH levels without affecting alkalinity?

Employing water features such as a water fountain or a pool aerator initiates the formation of bubbles that release carbon dioxide from the water. As carbon dioxide departs, the water pH will increase without affecting the overall alkalinity.

Where to Find Help to Lower pH in a Pool

As you set out on your journey to achieve the perfect pool pH, armed with the knowledge of our comprehensive guide, you’re well-equipped to take on the challenge. Remember the detailed steps, from testing the waters to carefully introducing the right chemicals.

However, if the waters of pH management ever seem too deep to navigate, don’t hesitate to seek the expertise of a local pool care professional. With the proper steps and, if needed, a helping hand, you’ll soon find yourself swimming in the crystal-clear oasis you’ve always dreamed of.

Main Photo Credit: welcomia / Canva Pro / License

Cecilia Acevedo

Cecilia is a home aficionado that loves the world of pools. When she's not writing about home improvement, Cecilia takes a plunge into the specifics of pool care. With a deep understanding of water chemistry and a passion for poolside ambiance, she'll guide you through the ins and outs of creating your own aquatic haven.